In Response to Recent Events at the US Capitol

The following is a letter ReadySet sent to our clients and partners, which we wanted to share with the broader community.


Clients and friends,

In light of what is happening in the capitol today, we wanted to post some initial thoughts on this evolving situation. 

We encourage you to check in with employees, and especially consider POC for whom this may go beyond political turmoil to racial violence, trauma, and fear. Many of your employees of color, in particular, your Black and Brown staff members, may be afraid for themselves and their families or see this as a reminder of the injustice they face in their interactions with law enforcement. It is worth calling attention to this with leadership and start thinking about inclusive messaging to staff. 

Some options to consider:

  • Give staff the option to cancel meetings (it's likely this will come as a relief not just to them but also their clients and the folks they are meeting with); model canceling meetings as leadership to make it clear that staff won’t be punished for it

  • Create space for your team to process (offer a meeting to talk about needs, ask if ERG's or other groups are willing to provide some space or time today for members)

  • Provide mental health resources and support either through your benefits provider or through mental health vendors like Modern Health

  • And if you haven’t already, establish some sort of security plan that centers the needs of your most marginalized employees

  • Prep leaders to be ready to message about this inclusively and equitably as the situation evolves

For more on addressing world events at work, you may be interested in this post from 2019. 

Please take care of yourself. 

The ReadySet team


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