Inclusive Culture Building

An inclusive company culture is central to retaining employees and to maximizing engagement. In this hands-on and engaging training, ReadySet partners with clients to develop tools to tackle interpersonal bias and to collectively build a more inclusive company culture. This session involves both an educational component, where participants learn about the foundations of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and a design thinking exercise where participants actively and collectively produce relevant and tangible actions for their organization. This is a particularly effective session for teams who are working together to build culture and for managers who are learning to create inclusive culture.

Learning Outcomes

  • Shared foundational understanding of the terms diversity, equity and inclusion

  • Ability to recognize how bias interferes with inclusive culture

  • Tools and empowerment to respond & prevent bias in interpersonal interactions and people processes

  • A greater understanding of the current organizational culture and roadblocks to fully inclusive culture

  • A collective vision for where the organization wants to be and clear actions for how to get there

  • Ability to put tools and concepts into practice

Content May Include


Learning sessions are highly interactive and participatory to encourage active learning and engagement with the material. Workshops will likely include lecture presentation, large group discussion and scenario discussion facilitated through virtual tools.